01. Introduction


Clinical Background and Physics of 3D Medical Imaging - Introduction

ND320 C3 L1 01 Welcome To The Lesson & Overview

Conceptual map overview

Conceptual map

Let’s return to the conceptual map introduced in the previous lesson and highlight the areas that we will touch on in this lesson.

Conceptual Lesson Overview/Map

Lesson Overview (focus areas are highlighted with dark-blue color)

Lesson Overview (focus areas are highlighted with dark-blue color)

Lesson Summary

Lesson Summary

In this lesson, we will have Mazen share his perspective on the following:

  • What are 3D medical images?
  • Who uses 3D medical images?
  • Why are they being used?
  • Some example clinical scenarios

After that, we will have you perform an exercise on picking a suitable problem for an AI project by tapping into publicly available medical resources.

Then, we will go into some technical details and cover:

  • Physical principles of CT scanners and then perform an exercise on computing a sinogram
  • Physical principles of MR scanners
  • Cover basic 3D imaging tasks:
    • Multi-planar reconstruction
    • 3D reconstruction
    • Windowing
    • Registration

We will finish the lesson by having you perform an exercise where you will write code to do a 3D reconstruction of a 3D medical volume.